Merle Marie Schmidt
Social media manager, Circular Economy
A world full of endless consumption is nothing I can relate to. Having a past in designing new clothes from old ones as well as trash, I believe in a circular way of living, consuming and producing. I want to use my creativity, past experience in working as a community manager for the German NYX Social Media and my current studies (Communication and Anthropology) to educate people around the world in a more sustainable way of living. One way to reach a lot of people is through Social Media, so this is my main mission for our Gen S Studio.

from Berlin, Germany.
Maria Eleni Parastatidi 
Plant \ Restaurant Coordinator 
What we decide to eat , has strong impact on the environment. Globally , the production and the consumption of food , produce waste that deteriorate the climate change and the global warming. As a sustainable food coordinator , my goal is to inform about alternative ways of cultivation and food gastronomy. The reason why I choose to elaborate and keep up with this section of sustainability , is my concern of constantly loose of biodiversity and ecosystem. The main goal of Gen S Studio is to sensitize your behaviour in order to be more sustainable alert.
Palmyra Giannakidi
content creator , Fashion manager
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. – Chief Seattle, 1854
Vivienne Westwood has always been my favorite Fashion designer. Her approach influences my thoughts since I was a little girl.
These are some of the values I'm thinking about when I think about the future of this glamorous, needed, creative, innovative fashion industry .Being the social media manager, content creator and videographer for a greek brand RIZA promoting craftsmanship and slow making and being an intern for the Greek/German brand RIANNA AND NINA creating high end luxurious fashion by using sustainable techniques , I now feel more than ready to create, support and vision a more green future FOR all of us and WITH all of us.

INSTAGRAM/ @palm_gia
Triantafilli Paraskevopoulou 
Communication manager
The achievement of any goal within a team, organization or company is ensured through communication and good communication has to do with the transmission of ideas, ethical values ​​and basic principles that each of us represents. As a proud member of this project and as a person I consider that communication is a cornerstone in the effort for a better world around us. I want to inflate that, our hub is an idea that from thought should be put into practice and I also that it is a unique and necessary space and project ready to create inspiration, to bring together new and passionate people for a society, economy and path that is oriented towards sustainability and to create a framework where every form of communication within it will be another step towards development and vigilance for a better future in every field. I always feel ready to be the link and bring people and ideas together.

instagram / @triantafyllh 
Paraskevi - Nektaria Gad

Interested in the global change , i was moved by how we can all contribute only if we take action. I believe that every single one of us is capable of taking the change a step further and if we act all together causing movement , then we can actually see significant change happening. My goal is to inform all generations as they all can contribute in different ways. All together can make this happen.

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