Sustainable Planting
Because the food that we consume is important
our view
Planting is an important part of our Studio because we as a society are disconnected from the origin of the food that we consume. Who knows where every piece of food that gets consumed actually comes from, how did it grow and where? We as a group weren’t even sure how pineapples grow even though all of us knew it and had already tasted it. The most famous Youtuber in China is Liziqi with almost 16.5 Million Followers. She grew up in rural China, moved to the city and then came back to her village in order to educate urban citizens about where their food comes from. She is planting, harvesting and processing food in her videos to show the complete circle of growing vegtetables. The popularity of her channel makes it clear on how many people want to know more about growing food. We want to incorporate a greenhouse into our Studio where we will grow food that will be processed in our Restaurant but also serves as a reminder on how much effort and energy goes into producing food. Going into the supermarket and just having it there, all year around almost everything available - it is not natural and not sustainable. We want to collaborate with different local farmers that will come by to give workshops on how to grow your own food at home and what you can use as a natural fertilizer.

In our hub we will have a greenhouse in order to cultivate organic products.
We will do planting seminars in the greenhouse so as to spread our knowledge about sustainability.

.Our goal is to create a sustainable generation in civic area. Organic cultivation is an action that can change not only our lifestyle but also our health . We can produce and buy as much food as we need in order to eliminate the food waste.
Conact us
Phone: +1-123-456-789
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